

Easy and Fast


The quantCAD is easy to use, it has 8 super commands that allow you to extract all the information of the drawing like: Perimeters, Areas, Blocks, Quantities, Volumes, Length, among other measures and entities.

Its use is totally intuitive and can be used by anyone on the team, even without CAD knowledge.

Very used in the followings: Electrical installations, hydraulics, furniture, pipes, roofs, painting, ceilings, floor plans and any other follow that needs to extract measurements and quantity of materials and services of a drawing.




Ideal for those who receive the project ready and need to budget materials and services quickly and safely.

Reduces up to 70% of the time spent in data collection and distribution of CAD drawings and services (DWG).

It has intelligent tools such as filters of items per layer, by type of entity (lines, arcs, circles, hatches, etc.), control of measurements, block manager, among others that allow a quick obtaining of information in the drawing. For example:

Through quantCAD it is possible to filter all the entities that are in the electric layer and that are circles. In this way it is quick and easy to count the amount of luminaires.

Generates customizable automatic drawing tables all or a specific area, which can be transformed into Excel, txt, or inserted into the drawing itself.



Total accuracy:

No mistakes, no flaws, no rework.

It has measurement and auditing tools that allow you to know exactly which items have been collected and which are still missing and even the logic used in the survey of these items. This way, when you resume a survey you continue exactly where you left off, without wasting time.

In addition, it allows to know which material has been associated with each measured entity or locates and highlights in the design the entity with the material that was associated.

For example: Just use the quantCAD audit tool that lets you highlight in different colors on the screen what has been quantified, what has not yet been, or some specific material that you want to highlight separately.  Generates bill of materials with accurate data and measurements.



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